27. Mai 2021 - KARTSPORT
A French Handikart champion joins the elite of world karting

We interviewed prominent members of the French and international federations and the karting
community: it seems that no disabled driver has, to date, participated in an official event counting for
an FIA European Karting Championship. Maxime Léger, the driver of Tours region’s local karting club,
ASK Val de Loire, a 3-time FFSA French Handikart champion, will be the first to take up the challenge
of competing against the best drivers in the world on the Aunay-les-Bois circuit near Alençon from May
28 to 30.
Maxime Léger has obtained the transformation of his FFSA National „H“ (Handikart) licence into a
Senior International C, as well as a „wild card“ to participate in the French round of the European
Karting Championship in the top category. To assist him in this discovery, he will be able to count on
the small team of volunteers and the partners gathered by ASK Val de Loire, with whom he has been
racing since 2017. For the engine part, it is the prestigious Italian factory Vortex which agreed to bring
him the power of its incomparable know-how.
The European championship is contested with equipment that meets the OK regulations: the 125 cc 2-
stroke engines develop more than 40 horsepower, and for karts without gearboxes, which weigh 145
kg including the driver, it is very, very powerful! A third more than the kart Maxime usually drives in
competition. The tires will also be softer, so a physical condition worthy of a high-level athlete will be
Maxime Léger: „When I was offered this challenge, I didn’t hesitate. To take part in a European race
with the best international drivers is an exceptional opportunity. It will be a first for me, I will take full
advantage of this weekend and gain a lot of experience for my future races. I will enjoy myself and
share a magic moment with my club. It will be very difficult to reach the final, but I will give it my all.
When I announced my participation, I scheduled one day of training per week with an OK kart, I was
able to accumulate a lot of kilometers in a short time. I only experienced Rotax Max power before, but
it may be hard to come back to it because the pleasure of driving is so strong with the OK! Of course I
have increased my physical training to be at the top this week-end. I would like to thank the ASK Val
de Loire for this opportunity and the time they spent so that I could participate in this great event.
Thanks also to the McDonald’s restaurants in Tours, my parents, my girlfriend for the physical
preparation and all my family.“
From the Aunay-les-Bois paddock, Romane Didier, president of ASK Val de Loire: „I am proud of our
club, we all joined forces to support and accompany Maxime in this adventure. The step is high and
we are probably the smallest squad in the paddock but we have enthusiasm and a certain culture of
karting that we are eager to confront with the best private teams and factory teams in the industry. We
have been involved in Handikart since 2015 and this program is a form of achievement. We also enter
Christophe Métais, another of the club’s licence holder, in the International Handikart Trophy. The
European Championship could not have dreamed of a more exciting curtain raiser!“

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